We provide solution for measurement, analyses, visualization, presentation and evaluation of the light but not only in the night.

About Us
Our team solve the project No. SS05010159. The main objective of the project is to develop an objective methodology for assessing the amount of artificial light at night in the outdoor environment with respect to its effects on living organisms. The methodology builds on the existing measurement technology, which will be improved within the project in order to obtain realistic data of the artificial light in the outdoor environment. A further objective is to extend the field of influence to non-visual effects of visible optical radiation. The main output should be a functional measurement apparatus capable of quantifying artificial light at night generally in any outdoor environment and thus provide objective indicators for both visual and non-visual areas with the aim of use in other related fields of research
Our services

We collect not only visible light, but also non-image forming radiation by special prototype of the measurement device

Light and circadian active radiation are analysed by software LumiDISP, which is tuned also for this purposes.

In ALANIS we store, manage and present data in GIS system with several viewers and services aggregator.
What living beings are saying
Plants, animals and insects“Looking forward to natural darkness”
Earth – Solar – MilkyWay

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